Anna Boginskaia
Watercolor artist
My name is Anya. I’m watercolor artist born among the shortest mountains called Urals and now waking up to a view of Ararat in Yerevan, Armenia.
At the university I got an engineering degree, but I always dreamed of painting and felt realizing myself in a different way. Therefore, when I first found myself with a brush in hand, I was already unstoppable.
My specialty is watercolor because I love the combo of graphics and fluidity this medium enables me to capture at the same time. It’s like a reflection of my nature, strong character with a combination of love to be in the flow. I like to dive into work with rituals – make hot tea, put on a colorful bandanna, turn on quiet music for meditation, stretch well .. and start, letting the mood and emotions spill onto the paper. I love that when I work the space around me freezes, there is only paper, brush, and as they say, watercolor god.
Fabriano in Aquarello, Fabriano-Bologna, Italy
Watercolor Exhibition, ArtEmbassy, Yerevan, Armenia
Córdoba, Watercolour and World Heritage, IWS, Spain
«OPEN #5», Artshow International Gallery LA, CA, USA
«Flower #5», Artshow International Gallery LA, CA, USA
«Landscape #4», Artshow International Gallery LA, CA, USA
«Flower #4», Artshow International Gallery LA, CA, USA
«All Women Artist Theme», Contemporary Art Gallery Online
Collective Exposition “New Life”, Gallery Incentre, Yekaterinburg
Exhibition By Fine Art Association & Gallery «Fall 2021» IWS, Vietnam
The International Pyrenees Watercolour Contest & Exhibition IWS, France
Honorable Mention Award in Floral art
Winner of Art competition «All women artist theme»